anticipating our interaction
my complete distraction
from my life of waiting
and debating this
next move in the matrix of you
a digital interlude
preparing for a physical entourage
of emotions and experiences
that will embrace
the very being of our souls
making us want to grow
and show us how
we can react our interactions
ten fold, and take hold
of each other in passionate embrace
a calculated stimulating race
of sexual and mental space
where ecstasy and time become one
and we sit and watch the sun
rise in the eastern horizon
over futures that unfold before us
becoming detailed in the warm golden light
that brings awareness to our surroundings
and those surrounding us hold on tight
in this web of connections
system of detections
for loves simple infractions
and our reluctant attractions
lost in worlds of intersecting orbits
I sit back to inhale your atmosphere
and draw you near
every breath contemplates this detailed mess
and organic elements
inflate our developments
in this science experiment
with digital implement to show intent
of the magnitude of this
simple event in interactions