All I want is honesty, to be real, to not waste my time. I guess that is where the alias tech_hoe, came from, because I really only make friends with people who offer me more than just friendship. I use my common technical audio/visual addiction as just one of my preferences for hanging out or transgressing that group of people.
I don't want to play games anywhere, I cut those people from my life and choose not to interact with them. People who are productive with me, have knowledge and friendship to offer, hold a special place on my contact list.
I am on a journey of life to learn and expand my knowledge, because that is the most important thing to me. I like to do that in several different areas, astronomy being one of my most powerful knowledge addictions. Yet I love to study other sciences, engineering, philosophy, art, dance, health, environments, interactivity, communication and lots of stuff. I find my self combining all of these elements into a well rounded education of life.
But, psychological games that break down the person, and the human, the self-esteem are not something I will participate in. I like honesty, and expect others to be honest with me, I am blunt, and sometimes I use it to be funny or sometimes to make a point. But either way, I am creating interaction and questions arise from these important interactions.
I am not sure where my boundaries should exactly lie, and that is why I implemented my aliases as a useful way to determine my characteristic traits. After reading DJ Spooky's Book Rhythm Science, it really struck me that I was constantly remixing my different personality traits into a complex single person that was completely misunderstood. I am now trying to form a couple of interpersonal aliases that will allow my various characteristics their individual development and time, (which is determinable by company).
For example, when I am a pain in the but, a feminist, kind of bitchy, definitely blunt and even rude I am JanedaPain. When I am hanging out with some guy and picking up on his technology, then I am the tech_hoe or software_hoe. When I am hanging with my kid around the Burning Man crew and if he's a swearing like he's on the playa, then I am Mrs. Cusskid. If I am geekin out, then I am digiru (digital guru). And if I am remixing any science, spac_e shit at a gig, then they call me NASA. If I am at work or in school, I am Jane Crayton. This is just an example of how I can become different people, and that is not all. And what is funny is that we all do it, most of us suppress these other identities and converge them under our given birth names.
It is a powerful thing when you can find a place to freely express an identity, and let your self truly find your unique finger print of characteristics that create your unique set of identities. Allowing yourself to embrace these personalities empowers you to learn even more in the given situations and does not limit you to one social scene. This function has allowed me to become a chameleon through different groups communication to several different species.
Now remix your identities into special formulas and combinations that reflect the environment and company of your present location. Once this technique of chameleon ism is accomplished learning and improved time management of select groups of people becomes easier. Managing thoughts in your head becomes easier, and developing the amorphous you is ever more possible. This also allows for more honesty.