Tuesday, December 06, 2005

your diseases could turn me on

like the foul slurs that burn
from the tainted lips of my son
your ache for me
double your ache when u pee
it's not all about sex you see
I like to suck a herpie slur-pee
with my kid
whats your bid
do you dig
or do you dive
can I eat your *stuff*
I don't care if you don't puff
I have to learn to adjust
the spanish is a must
excuses your dues_es
of disaster
in a friendship on the line
of existence in the space-time
continuum of reality in this place
this disgusting human rat race
but intercourse is not the only place
that I can see this interaction
your port-o-potty reaction
to disease
is the lack of
this virtual reality
now please
revise your keys
and deliver to me
a more just confession
of your lust for me
I may just hold your dick while you pee
with a tong you see
kink_y 4 u and me...hehe


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